Here it is an itinerary for the town of Romeo and Juliet, Verona! What to see in Verona in one day? Let's start!
Let's start from the train station. Take the bus n. 11 or 13 that will take you near Piazza Bra where you can admire the famous Verona arena an amphitheater built 2000 years ago and now used to hosts opera and modern music performances. Outside the arena there is the Palazzo Barbieri the city town hall built between 1836 and 1848.
Take now via degli alpini and then via Adigetto and turn right in Via del pontiere until you reach a garden. There is the Tomb of Juliet, a stone sarcophagus located in a former convent of Capuchin Friars. There also is a Frescoes Museum. Go in via dello zappatore and take the bus 72 that will take you in stradone san fermo where you can visit San Fermo Church with a 2,5€ ticket.
From there take via leoni, then via cappello, that will lead you to the house of Juliet, a medieval building where you can see the very balcony from which Juliet talked to her lover Romeo. In the garden there is a statue of Juliet and it's said that is good luck to... touch her breast!

Proceed in via cappello and you will reach Piazza delle Erbe, the most ancient square in Verona. You can admire the Torre dei Lamberti built in 1172, and the Palazzo Maffei a Baroque building decorated by statues of Greek gods. In front of the palace you can see a marble column with a lion, the symbol of Republic of Venice.
Go in Corso Sant'Anastasia until you reach Sant'Anastasia church, started in 1280. I think it worth visiting it, it's very beautiful outside and inside and the ticket costs 2,5 euros.
Go now in via duomo and reach the Duomo of Verona, built in 1187 that you can visit with a 2,50 euros ticket. If you want you can buy a 6 euro tickets that will allow you to visit the 3 churches in this itinerary and another one, but is on the other side of the town. It will save you a couple of euros, though.
The tour of Verona is over, i hope you enjoy it!