Hi everyone, today in Italy we celebrate Ferragosto! But what exactly Ferragosto is? Let's find out.
In 8 b.C. emperor Augustus created the "Feriae Augusti" meaning the rest of Augustus. And during this day there were horses' races and donkeys and other beasts of burden were released from working in the fields and covered with flowers and rich fabrics.
That still happens with the Palio of Siena of the 16th August, a horses' race where palio derives from pallium, the rich fabric destinated to the winner of the race.
Today is a public holiday in Italy and San Marino and it's celebrated with special dishes and trip to the seaside or just outing. The tradition of trips started during Fascism when many organization organized this trips thanks to the low prices of trains during this day.
The special dishes for this special days vary from region to region: for example in Sicily "gelo di melone" is prepared, a dessert made with watermelon (anguria). Melone means cantaloupe, but the desserts its actually made of watermelon. That's because the word watermelon in Sicily dialects resembles Italian word melone.
In the Rome area fettuccine are prepared and chicken with bell peppers and watermelon as dessert. In the rest of Italy may have other tradition, but these one are the most known. Throughout Italy during Ferragosto watermelon is consumed and it's not uncommon seeing people in the streets throwing bucketful of water to each other. That's a Ferragosto tradition also due to the very hot weather during the middle of August.
Hope you enjoyed this holiday!