Sunday, February 9, 2014

Carnival in Italy - Venice

Typical Venetian carnival masks

The carnival is approaching, that's the opportunity to visit Carnevale di Venezia, one of the most ancient and famous carnivals in the world. The first document showing the word "carnival" in Venice is in 1094. The carnival was the period of the year where people could celebrate and, thanks to the masks, there wasn't difference between the poor and the rich. During carnival it was also allowed to mock aristocracy and the authorities.

This year the theme will be fairy tales, marvels and fantastic natures and the carnival will start on February 15th with ice skating show in Campo san Paolo. Don't miss the Volo dell'angelo (the angel flight) on Sunday February 23rd, a traditional event where the Angel of Carnival will fly down from the bell tower, recalling an ancient tribute to the Doge.
The carnival will end on march the 4th with lots of parades, concerts and the best masked costume contest.

Visit Venice during the carnival and enjoy all the masks, the parades, the concerts and the unique atmosphere of one of the most beautiful cities in the world during one of the most famous carnival in the world!

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