If you are a fan of mystery this place is a must see. Is very famous thanks to the legend of Azzurrina (the light blue one) a girl who lived in the castle but mysteriously disappeared. The girl was the daughter of Uguccione di Montebello and she was an albino girl. At that time, at the end of 1300s, albinism was considered a sign of the devil, so her father payed 2 guards to look after her. But one day, while she was playing with a ball, she disappeared and never found again.
Her nickname is due to the color of her hair. Because of albinism she had white hair so her mother, to protect her, used to dye it with black vegetable pigment. But the color wouldn't stay, instead it only remained a light blue shadow who perfectly matched her blue eyes.
It is believed that the little girl was taken and murdered because of the superstitions against albinism and they say that her ghost is still in the castle.
The castle is now open to the public and you can visit it during the day or, if you dare, at night with a 7 or 9 euros ticket. To reach Montebello you can follow the instructions on the official website.
Not a real mystery but a very suggestive story. In the year 1180 the son of a wealthy man near Siena was spending his youth perpetrating violence and domineering attitude. But one day he realized he was wasting his life like this and decided to abandon that lifestyle to retire to a hill to pray. As a sign of his renunciation to violence he stuck his sword into a stone and used it as a cross to pray on. A year later he died and in 1185 the Pope proclaimed him saint and the people built a church where his sword was. And that sword remained there for more than 800 years and you can see it.
To reach the place follow the instruction in the official website.
Ca' Dario is a palace situated on the Grand Canal, in Venice. It has a great architecture but it is most famous for its curse. It is told that everyone who lives in that house will go bankrupt or die violently. The first inhabitant of the house was Marietta Dario who, after the bankrupt and death by stabbing of his husband, committed suicide. Her son also died in an ambush. Then Arbit Abdoll, a jewelry merchant, bought the house but he went bankrupt, so he was forced to sell it to another man who, guess what, went bankrupt. In recent years a famous death was the one of the manager of "The Who" who bought the house and then his drug addiction got worse. He sold the house to Fabrizio Ferrari who moved there with his sister who died short after in a mysterious car accident. Fabrizio itself went bankrupt and then was arrested. In the 80's Raul Gardini wanted to give the house as a present to his daughter but he went bankrupt and then committed suicide. After his death no one would buy the house and remained empty until 2006 when a US company bought it and it is now being re-established. Hope these guys are luckier!

If you want to visit the island you have to ask a permission to the comune of Venice at least 10 month earlier!
Trezzo sull'Adda is a small town near Milan and it has a famous castle. This castle was built in the Longobard era and then was the residence of Frederick I and then of the Visconti family. It is said there are many ghosts because of the many violent deaths that occurred. In the tunnels of the basement there were the torture chamber where enemies were tortured and killed. Today you can see strange red spots on the walls and it is told it is the blood of the victim. The daughter of Bernabò Visconti was walled up alive in the basement and his father was poisoned.
They say that in the castle there are many ghosts and the treasure of Frederick I is hidden somewhere... If you want to visit the castle check this site to know how to arrive.
Hope you enjoy your mystery tour!