So it's all ready: you have booked your tickets, the hotel and the visits to the museums. The only thing left is... prepare the luggage. You always end up with a full suitcase that you can barely carry? Don't worry, with this 10 simple steps you will prepare the perfect luggage. Let's start.
1. First of all I recommend you to write a list of everything you will need, including very basic stuff because it's very easy to forget useful and basic things due to the excitement of the trip. Start the list some day earlier and make sure to write everything.
2. When you are finally preparing your luggage only pack things that you will actually use and wear. I used to pack my entire wardrobe then I realized that i always used the same outfit as I used before the trip. You will spend most of the time visiting and walking and travelling, so i recommend comfortable outfits and footwear and a couple of pretty outfits for your nights out. I prefer neutral colors like white, black, beige or grey to be able to combine all my clothes easily with my shoes or jewelry.
3. I recommend to use bags to separate your items. At least one for laundry and one for shoes to keep your clothes fresh and clean. But you can also use some to separate different types of clothes.
4. Instead of folding your clothes try to roll them. It will help you saving space and it will prevent wrinkles. Roll all your clothes but shirts. Shirts will be on the top and you can put rolled belts in the collar to maintain the form.
5. Put your shoes on the bottom and your bathroom item on the top, because bathroom items will be the first one you will need once in your hotel. Also don't pack any shampoo or air conditioning if your hotels will provide them. If you are not sure just pack mini bottles and then buy all you need in a local store.
6. Leave your underwear as the last part, I use it to fill the gaps in the luggage.
7. Try not to pack many jewelry or valuables, i would suggest to don't pack any.
8. Put your money, credit cards and IDs in one of that travel pockets that you can strap under your shirt. That's the best way to protect yourself against pickpocketers.
9. In your hand luggage, i suggest a purse or a backpack, just keep a bottle of water, some basic medicine such as aspirin or any specific one if you need it, some light snack like crackers and things that you will need to use a lot.
10. And last but not least make sure to maintain your luggage weight and dimension in the limits of your air company to avoid paying fees.
And remember, it's better to keep a bit of space in your luggage because you will surely fill it with presents!