Saturday, July 12, 2014

Things to see in Urbino

View of Urbino
Today you will discover Urbino, a city in the Marche region which historical center is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Let's start!
Urbino doesn't have a train station, so it's reachable by car or by bus from Arezzo, Ancona or Rome. We'll start our itinerary from Chiesa di San Domenico, buil between 1362 and 1365.
It is characterized by 2 staircases that converges at the main entrance. In front of the church Egyptian obelisk, originally built for the temple of Isis in 580 BC and then brought to Rome in 90 AD and finally in Urbino in 1737.
there is an 18 foot tall
Opposite to the church there is the Palazzo Ducale, a Renaissance building listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It has a peculiarity: being Urbino a small city, it developed mainly vertically so they made a spiral staircase (commonly called scala a chiocciola in italian, literally "snail stairs") in the Palace that allowed the Duca to reach the ground in no time and it also served as a defense tower.
Palazzo ducale, UrbinoIt also hosts the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, one of the most important collection of Renaissance art in the world, with work of arts by Raphael, Uccello, Piero della Francesca and Titian.
Inside the Palace it can be found the Studiolo, a small room facing the countryside which was used as a study for contemplation. It's decorated with trompe-l'oeil shelves and benches.
Proceed in Corso Garibaldi and you will arrive at the Urbino Cathedral, finished in 1604 but destroyed in 1789 and then rebuilt in Neoclassical style. Inside you can admire several canvas. Proceeding in Corso Garibaldi and then in via Sanzio, you will notice on your right side the house where Raphael was born, in 1483. It now hosts the Accademia Raffaello and a museum. For more information visit the official site of Urbino municipality. Proceed in via Sanzio then turn left in Via Buozzi to reach the Parco della Resistenza where you can rest after the walk and enjoy the view.
I hope you enjoy the tour, don't forget to comment down below any question or suggestion. Bye!

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